Monday, June 22, 2009

Marik Prisoners Resqued!

[Mobile HQ]
Leutenant Grant

Doc Holidais

[Other (trucks, coolant, etc]
Heavy Equipment Driver [recovery vehicles] (x2)
Unskilled Driver x5
Repair Specialist x6
Ordinance Specialist x2
Tank Crew x12

Laser Infantry x30
MG Infantry x32

Comstar transmission 06242009: First Mission

This transmission has been decrypted using command code alpha-three:

From: militia command designation "Eagle's Roost"

To: all militia

This is a priority message. Please reply with unit designation (name).

Notice to all units. Command center compromised. As a result, we will step up our timetables for attacks as a diversion to allow time for evacuation of the command center.

Your units will be needed to attack local formations of Florn's mercs.

Please join up with other units and choose one of the following missions:

A: a patrol has been dispatched from remote Century City to destroy command. Choose a location and ambush the patrol. Your combined units appear to outclass the patrol. a well planned assault should allow for a quick and decisive victory.

B: Intel tells us that the remnants of some House Marick mercenaries are being held in a nearby estate. They where to be ransomed to house Marik, but intell tells us a recent decline from the last of the local powers. We expect the worst is in store for them.

Our best guess is that this is what's left of a rear batalion, repair and defense mostly. Their equipment is stored in facilities nearby. The men and their assets would greatly bolster our lines.

we had planned a covert operation to rescue them, but under the circumstances, a frontal assault will tye up the enemy and allow us much needed time.

This is the more difficult mission, but offers greater rewards.

Please get together and choose a mission. Worry not about the other - units will be dispathed to cover whichever you do not choose.

All salvage is yours on this one gentlemen.

- militia command out

Other Non-Mech BV Vehicles

Battlemech Recovery Vehicle 176
Mobile Tactical Command HQ 431 (C3 *3)
Karnov UR Transport 120 [VTOL troop transport] (

Stationary manned cannons
Field Gunners (2xAC10) 274
Field Gunners (2xAC2) 102
Field Gunners (2xAC5) 168
Field Gunners (3xAC2) 139
Field Gunners (3xAC5) 238
Field Gunners (4xAC2) 176
Field Gunners (AC10) 151
Field Gunners (AC2) 65
Field Gunners (AC20) 206
Field Gunners (AC5) 98
Field Gunners (Gauss) 348
Field Gunners (Heavy Gauss) 374
Field Gunners (LBX10) 324
Field Gunners (LBX2) 196
Field Gunners (LBX20) 502
Field Gunners (LBX5) 277
Field Gunners (Light Gauss) 187
Field Gunners (Rotary2) 382
Field Gunners (Rotary5) 522
Field Gunners (Ultra10) 448
Field Gunners (Ultra2) 252
Field Gunners (Ultra20) 309
Field Gunners (Ultra5) 364
Clan Field Gunners (Gauss) 668
Clan Field Gunners (LBX10) 324
Clan Field Gunners (LBX2) 263
Clan Field Gunners (LBX20) 502
Clan Field Gunners (LBX5) 307
Clan Field Gunners (Ultra10) 448
Clan Field Gunners (Ultra2) 338
Clan Field Gunners (Ultra20) 698
Clan Field Gunners (Ultra5) 394

Battle values for Infantry

Jump Platoon:
Move: 1/3
Jump Platoon (Flamer) 51
Jump Platoon (Inferno) 71
Jump Platoon (Laser) 71
Jump Platoon (LRM) 87
Jump Platoon (MG) 62
Jump Platoon (Rifle) 46
Jump Platoon (SRM) 71

Ground Pounders:
Move: 1/1
Heavy Platoon (Flamer) 28
Heavy Platoon (Inferno) 60
Heavy Platoon (Laser) 37
Heavy Platoon (LRM) 56
Heavy Platoon (MG) 31
Heavy Platoon (Rifle) 23
Heavy Platoon (SRM) 60

Mechanized Vehicle:
4.5 ton tracked / hover / wheeled APC
Move: 8/12 (ICE)
1 Crew:
12 points of BAR 10 Armor (3/2/2/2/3T)
1 platoon Infantry Bay
Mechanized Platoon (Flamer) 35
Mechanized Platoon (Inferno) 70
Mechanized Platoon (Laser) 42
Mechanized Platoon (LRM) 75
Mechanized Platoon (MG) 39
Mechanized Platoon (Rifle) 28
Mechanized Platoon (SRM) 70

Clan Heavy Point (Flamer) 28
Clan Heavy Point (Inferno) 60
Clan Heavy Point (Laser) 37
Clan Heavy Point (LRM) 56
Clan Heavy Point (MG) 31
Clan Heavy Point (Rifle) 23
Clan Heavy Point (SRM) 60
Clan Jump Point (Flamer) 51
Clan Jump Point (Inferno) 71
Clan Jump Point (Laser) 71
Clan Jump Point (LRM) 87
Clan Jump Point (MG) 62
Clan Jump Point (Rifle) 46
Clan Jump Point (SRM) 71
Clan Mechanized Point (Flamer) 35
Clan Mechanized Point (Inferno) 70
Clan Mechanized Point (Laser) 42
Clan Mechanized Point (LRM) 75
Clan Mechanized Point (MG) 39
Clan Mechanized Point (Rifle) 28
Clan Mechanized Point (SRM) 70
Clan Motorized Point (Engineer) 28

Clan Elemental (ER Laser) 265
Clan Elemental (Flamer) 255
Clan Elemental (HMG) 255
Clan Elemental (Laser) 280
Clan Elemental (MG) 250
Clan Elemental (Pulse Laser) 305
Clan Gnome 360
Clan Gnome (Upgrade) 285
Clan Salamander 245
Clan Salamander (HMG) 245
Clan Salamander (Laser) 255
Clan Sylph 250
Clan Sylph (Upgrade) 185
Clan Undine 168
Clan Undine (Upgrade) 295

Monday, June 15, 2009

The year is 3076.

The world of Wasat has been ravaged time and time again by war. Wasat has swapped hands between the Free Worlds League, the Capellan’s, the Federated Commonwealth, and a few months of oppression from the Word of Blake. With the collapse of the Free Worlds League, chaos now rules in Wasat.

With the power struggles elsewhere, front line troops where moved out, leaving Wasat in the hands of a former Word of Blake Mercenary, who has styled himself Jarred, King of Wasat. His troops have been collecting taxes, and thought the WoB has collapsed, Jarred’s hold on the world has only gotten stronger.

Your town is a simple agricultural center. A local landowner has agreed to sponser a militia to resist the “king”. Using secret caves outside town, you and the others of the resistance have managed to restore some nearly obsolete mecha with the use of a civilian agro-mech repair bay.

The militia has built a collection of armed and armored agro-mechs, logger-mechs, tanks, and hovercraft. Volunteers are training as infantry. Your benefactor even managed to find you some real mechs, remnants of the former FWL Guard that where hidden away during the Jihad invasion in 3066.

The time to strike is now.

I am officially going to kick off a Chaos campaign. This campaign allows for players to enter and leave the campaign as they please. The campaign itself will allow the player unit to play out the events from its beginnings as a humble local militia to the final battlefield in a struggle to save mankind from those who would destroy it in the name of peace.

Forces must adhere to the following rules:

Players starting force must not be greater than 2500 battle value, Inner sphere, level 1 equipment.

There is no limit to the number of units a player can squeeze out of their 2500 bv.

Players starting force BV must be modified for Gunnery and Piloting skill.
if players need BV for any units please contact me.

I will build some Premade units to be available to players who wish to enter the fray and try out the Classic BattleTech game, but didn't have time to put something together.

After each event, participating players will be able to repair, refit, and choose their next track

Campaign Resources

Battletech Wiki

Wasat on the Wiki

Map of the Inner Sphere

Mech Design Tool:

2.023 patch:

Downloadable mechs for TDB.

Other Tools and downloads:

And lets not forget - you may want Tanks and Infantry